Open Space Management

Habitat remediation, park creation and management, forest products, and forestscaping are all elements of natural resource site administration. The following projects represent a variety of clients EECOS has served in this discipline.

Town of Wilton, Ct. — Produced environmental assessment and land-use management plans for a 58-acre and 100-acre park. Using a plot transect system, the natural resource base was inventoried including geology, hydrology, wildlife, and vegetation. Management plans were reviewed in relation to park health and use impacts. Passive recreation management plans were developed to take maximum advantage of the parks resources while minimizing impacts.

Steep Rock Reservation — Located in Washington Depot, CT, this 2000-acre preserve incorporates lands along the Shepaug River. The Steep Rock board was interested in planning for the future management of the reservation as it related to passive recreation, education, and forest health. An inventory and analysis of the natural resources was performed as the basis for planning and management recommendations.

Audubon Society — Conducted an environmental survey on this 800-acre undeveloped property in Goshen, CT. Interest centered on how to develop this secluded area for passive recreation and the practicality and social implications of limited timbering. Habitat restoration and diversity were central considerations in the assessment of management options.

Great Mountain Forest — Developed research, education, and forest-management programs for this 7000-acre private forest. Great Mountain is a model research center and working forest and training ground for ecologists. The emphasis of the program was on alternatives to traditional sales and marketing of forest products.